Resend grantee portal invitations, adjust grantee portal user permissions, and assist users with logging into the portal.
The following features mentioned in this article are available with the Pro and Enterprise subscriptions:
- Organization and active grant intake forms
- Bank account collection and management
When working with grantee portal users, there are common user management items to address. This can include resending grantee portal invitations, adjusting permissions, and assisting grantee portal users with general portal login issues.
Send or Resend Grantee Portal Invitations
Send or resend grantee portal invitations from the request record.
If a grantee portal user has not already set up their portal account and does not use the link in the email invitation within 30 days, the link will expire and the invitation must be resent.
- Navigate to the request record.
- Click the Grantee Portal tab.
- Navigate to the intake form.
- For a report intake form or grantee submission intake form, first click the Reports & Submissions tab.
- Click Send Invitation next to a specific grantee portal user, or click Send Invitations to send an invitation to each grantee portal user assigned to the form.
- If Send Invitations is clicked, specific grantee portal users can be deselected if needed before sending the emails.
- To resend the invitation to a specific grantee portal user, click the pencil icon next to their name, and then click Resend Invitation.
In order to prevent issues with expired invitation links, some administrators choose to monitor any unregistered grantee portal accounts and resend invitations before the 30 day timeframe is through.
- Click the gear icon in the quick navigation menu.
- Click Portal Users.
- Sort the list by the Created column so the most recently created grantee portal user accounts appear at the top of the page.
If there is no value in the Last Login column for a grantee portal user, this means that they have not activated their account. If the invitation was sent when creating the grantee portal account, the link will expire 30 days from the date in the Created column. Follow the instructions at the beginning of this section to resend the invitation from the request record for each applicable grantee portal user, or follow the steps below to send a general grantee portal registration email.
- Click the grantee portal user’s name.
- Click the Portal Account tab.
- Click Send Registration Email.
- Select Grantee Portal Registration Email in the Portal Registration Email dropdown.
- Edit the default email as needed, and then click Send Invitation.
Incomplete Portal User Accounts
When a new grantee portal user submits an unsolicited application intake form, they are first asked to create an account. This is detailed in Grantee Portal User Experience - Open Application. The second step in this process is for the grantee portal user to click the account activation link in the email they receive. Until the grantee portal user takes this step, their account is considered incomplete. The grantee portal user cannot finish setting up their account or access the application form until they click the link in the email.
To assist with or prevent login issues, it can be helpful to address these incomplete accounts.
- Click the gear icon in the quick navigation menu.
- Click Incomplete Portal User Accounts.
- Click the pencil icon next to a user account, and then click Send Registration Email to resend an email with the account activation link.
Grantee Portal User Permissions
When assigning a contact to an invited application intake form, report intake form or grantee submission intake form, a grantee portal account is automatically created for the contact if one is not already enabled. They are automatically added as an organization contact and are given the Access Organization in Grantee Portal permission and the Manage Assigned permission for either applications, reports, or submissions depending upon the type of intake form assigned. Additional permissions can be configured as needed in their contact record.
When a new contact submits an unsolicited application intake form and the form is added to an organization and request, the contact is automatically added as an organization contact. They are automatically given the Access Organization in Grantee Portal permission and the Manage Assigned permission for applications. Additional permissions can be configured as needed in their contact record.
In order for a grantee portal user to access and submit an active grant intake form or organization intake form, they need the Manage All option selected for the applicable form type permission.
Manage grantee portal permissions for a contact from the Portal Account tab of the contact record.
- Click the pencil icon next to Grantee Portal Organization Permissions to edit the contact’s permissions. Click Update on the modal when done configuring permissions.
- The available permissions are described below.
- The available permissions are described below.
- Click the pencil icon next to Account Status and uncheck the Account Active box to deactivate the contact’s grantee portal account. This prevents the contact from logging into the portal.
- Click the pencil icon next to Username/Email to edit the contact’s username for logging into the grantee portal.
- Click Reset Password to send a password reset email for the grantee portal to the contact.
The available grantee portal user permissions are listed below. When mentioned, “manage” refers to the ability to view, edit, and submit forms.
The "Manage Assigned" option is often recommended if a grantee portal user is only working with an organization in a relationship such as a fiscal sponsorship, subsidiary, university department, etc.
- Access Organization in Grantee Portal - If checked, specific permissions can be configured to allow the contact to access the grantee portal dashboard for the organization.
- Manage Organization Bank Accounts - If checked, the contact can access the Bank Accounts tab on the Organization Details page for the organization, and can add or edit bank account information on this tab.
- Applications - Select an option in the Allow dropdown to allow the contact to view all invited or unsolicited application intake forms for the organization, view no applications for the organization, manage applications assigned to them for the organization, or manage all applications for the organization.
- Reports - Select an option in the Allow dropdown to allow the contact to view all report intake forms for the organization, view no reports for the organization, manage reports assigned to them for the organization, or manage all reports for the organization.
- Submissions - Select an option in the Allow dropdown to allow the contact to view all grantee submission intake forms for the organization, view no grantee submissions for the organization, manage grantee submissions assigned to them for the organization, or manage all grantee submissions for the organization.
- Active Grant Intake Forms - Select an option in the Allow dropdown to allow the contact to view all active grant intake forms for the organization, view no active grant intake forms for the organization, or manage all active grant intake forms for the organization.
- Organization Intake Forms - Select an option in the Allow dropdown to allow the contact to view all organization intake forms for the organization, view no organization intake forms for the organization, or manage all organization intake forms for the organization.
To view which contacts for an organization have a grantee portal account enabled, navigate to the Contacts tab on the organization record. A blue person icon next to a contact indicates that they have access to the grantee portal for at least one organization.
Emulate a Grantee Portal User
Emulating, or logging in as, a grantee portal user can be helpful for troubleshooting or taking an action on behalf of the grantee portal user if needed.
The Emulate Grantee Portal Users permission must be enabled in order to complete these steps.
If the grantee portal user is a new user working on an unsolicited application, the form first needs to be added to an organization and request. This creates the contact record for the grantee portal user, allowing the steps below to be completed.
- Click the gear icon in the quick navigation menu.
- Click Portal Users.
- Click the dropdown icon next to the grantee portal user, and then click Emulate User.
- Click Generate Password.
- Click the copy icon next to the username and one-time password and paste the information into the grantee portal to login as the user.
- This one-time password is only valid for 60 minutes and does not override the grantee portal user's existing password.
- This one-time password is only valid for 60 minutes and does not override the grantee portal user's existing password.
- When finished, be sure to log out of the grantee portal user’s account.
Grantee Portal User Experience and Troubleshooting
The following articles are available to share with your grantee portal users, and can also be a helpful reference for foundation staff when assisting these users.
The most common issues to troubleshoot with grantee portal users are around logging into the portal. While GivingData Support is available to assist you with troubleshooting as needed, the tips and suggestions below will allow you to resolve most issues.
- If a grantee portal user forgets their password, they can click Forgot your password? on the login page to receive an email with a link to reset their password.
- The system allows up to 5 incorrect login attempts. After 5 attempts, the grantee portal user is locked out of the portal for 15 minutes.
- The system allows up to 5 incorrect login attempts. After 5 attempts, the grantee portal user is locked out of the portal for 15 minutes.
- A password reset email can be sent to a grantee portal user from their contact record. Click the Portal Account tab, and then click Reset Password.
- If a grantee portal user’s username/email has been changed, they might experience login issues due to their browser cache.
- Instruct the grantee portal user to log out of their account, close their browser, and then reopen the grantee portal and attempt to login.
- If they continue to experience issues, instruct them to clear their browser cache.
- A grantee portal user logs into any United States-based GivingData grantee portal with the same username and password. While issues or questions related to this login structure are unlikely, refer to Updates to the Grantee Portal with Versions 4.7.0+ for guidance.