What is a Primary Contact?

Learn how to identify the main point of contact for an organization or request.

Identifying a Primary Contact

On each organization’s contacts page above the list of contacts, there is a field called “Organization Primary Contact.”  

Click on the pencil icon, and a list of all contacts associated with the organization will appear. Select the contact to designate as the primary contact, and click Save.

The primary contact can also be viewed on the Organization Overview page.

Request level primary contacts can be added by following the same process, only on a request record.  Any contact associated with the organization can be selected as a request primary contact.

Using Primary Contacts

Primary contacts are accessible in a few places beyond where the rest of the contacts can be used.

  • Users can display an organization or request’s Primary Contact in a list view.

  • Primary Contacts can be easily inserted into document templates, using GivingData’s Word Add-In tool.

  • Primary contacts be sent emails through GivingData’s batch email functionality, and a primary contact’s name can be included as a merge field in the body of the email.