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  2. GivingData Portals
  3. Grantee Portal Intake Forms & Campaigns

Unsolicited Application Intake Forms and Campaigns

Collect uninvited applications through the grantee portal using an unsolicited application intake form connected to a campaign.

Contact your CSM to confirm if unsolicited application intake forms are included with your subscription or could be added. 

The following features mentioned in this article are available with the Pro and Enterprise subscriptions:

  • Intake form comments
  • Batch import and default import rules for intake form data

Unsolicited application intake forms are used to collect uninvited applications. After connecting an unsolicited application intake form to a campaign, the campaign URL can be shared out. Anyone with the campaign URL can then submit an application. An eligibility quiz can be created as part of the unsolicited application intake form to ensure that only organizations meeting specified eligibility criteria can submit the full application. 

Once an application is submitted, it can be added to a new or existing organization and request in your GivingData site and the data can be imported.

Add a New Unsolicited Application Intake Form

Add a new unsolicited application intake form in Admin Tools & Settings. Once added, the form can be edited to build the fields that grantee portal users will complete.

  1. Click the gear icon in the quick navigation menu.
  2. Click Grantee Portal.
    Grantee Portal and Reviewer Portal option

  3. Click Grantee Portal Intake Forms.Grantee Portal Intake Forms dropdown

  4. Click Add New Intake Form, and then click Unsolicited Application.Unsolicited Application option

  5. Complete the fields, and then click Next.
    1. Intake Form Title - Enter a name for the form, which is visible to assigned grantee portal users in the portal.
    2. Organization Entry - When a grantee portal user starts an unsolicited application intake form, they are asked to select the organization for which they are submitting the form. If they are not already related to an organization in the system, they are given the option to add a new organization. This setting configures their options for doing so. 
      1. Enable IRS Database Search Only - Only provide the grantee portal user the option to search and select from the IRS database to add the organization. If they then select “None of these Organizations are correct,” they are then able to enter the organization name. 
      2. Enable Organization Name Entry Only - Only allow the grantee portal user to type the organization name. 
      3. Enable Both IRS Database Search and Organization Name Entry - Provide the grantee portal user the option to type the organization name or search and select from the IRS database.
    3. Default Import Rule - Select the default rule when importing data from mapped fields in this form into records in the site. This rule can be configured differently for specific fields on the form as needed. Once the form is added, batch import rules can also be configured. The Edit an Unsolicited Application Intake Form section contains details.
      1. Automatically import and update the current value - Data provided in the form will import into the corresponding mapped fields without first being reviewed. Any existing data in the fields will be overwritten with what was provided in the form.   
        • If a field is left blank on the form, any existing data in the corresponding mapped field will be removed to match the blank form field.   
      2. Automatically import if there is no current value - Data provided in the form will import into the corresponding mapped fields without first being reviewed if the fields are currently blank.  
      3. Do not automatically import - The system will ask for a field by field selection of which data to import from the form into the corresponding mapped fields. 
    4. Intake Form Comments Enabled - If checked, grantee portal users have the option to add comments on the form. Staff can also respond to these comments, allowing for direct communication within the form. Email notifications are sent to both the assigned grantee portal users and staff following the form when comments are made.Next button

  6. Make any desired edits to the email that is sent to grantee portal users when they submit this form, and then click Save.Save button

Edit an Unsolicited Application Intake Form

Once a new unsolicited application intake form is added in Admin Tools & Settings, edit the form to build the fields that grantee portal users will complete. Build a Grantee Portal Intake Form provides instructions. 

Additional options to edit the form and its properties are also available. To access these, click the dropdown icon next to the form in Admin Tools & Settings.Dropdown icon

  • Edit Intake Form Properties - Edit the basic configurations for the form, such as the title and whether or not intake form comments are enabled. 
  • Edit Confirmation Email Settings - Edit the email that is sent to grantee portal users when they submit this form.
  • Edit Batch Import Rules - Edit the rules when batch importing data from this form. 
  • Duplicate Intake Form - Create a copy of the form. Edits made to the new form do not affect the original. 
  • Delete Intake Form - The form can only be deleted if it is not attached to any request records. If the form is attached to request records, it can instead be marked inactive.

Add an Eligibility Quiz

An eligibility quiz can be added to an unsolicited application intake form to ensure that only applicants meeting the eligibility criteria can complete the full application form. Eligibility questions are built in a yes/no format, and an applicant must select the acceptable answer for all questions on the quiz in order to be found eligible and access the full application.

  1. Click the gear icon in the quick navigation menu.
  2. Click Grantee Portal.
    Grantee Portal and Reviewer Portal option

  3. Click Grantee Portal Intake Forms.Grantee Portal Intake Forms dropdown

  4. Click Unsolicited Application Intake Forms. Unsolicited Application Intake Forms dropdown

  5. Click Edit next to the intake form.Edit button

  6. Click Edit.
    Edit button

  7. Click Add Page.
    Add Page button
  8. Complete the fields, and then click Save.
    1. Page Type - Select Eligibility Questions.
    2. Page Title - Enter a name for the page. This displays at the top of the page and in the navigation bar for grantee portal users unless a custom navigation label is entered.
    3. Custom Navigation Label - If desired, enter a name for the page to display to grantee portal users other than the page title.
    4. Eligible Responses Submitted Message - Enter the message to appear for a grantee portal user who is found eligible to apply upon submitting the eligibility quiz.
    5. Ineligible Responses Submitted Message - Enter the message to appear for a grantee portal user who is found ineligible to apply upon submitting the eligibility quiz.Save button

  9. Click Add Eligibility Question.Add Eligibility Question button

  10. Complete the fields, and then click Save.
    1. Label - Enter the eligibility question.
    2. Answer Options - Select either Yes or No as the acceptable answer. 
    3. Help Text - Enter any instructions to assist grantee portal users in answering this question.
    4. Scheduled Display - If desired, schedule this field to only be displayed starting on a certain date or to be hidden starting on a certain date.
       Save button

  11. Add as many additional eligibility questions as needed. 

If an applicant is found ineligible after completing the eligibility quiz, they will see the Ineligible Responses Submitted Message configured in the eligibility quiz page settings. They will not be able to access the full application form.

If an applicant is found eligible after completing the eligibility quiz, they will see the Eligible Responses Submitted Message configured in the eligibility quiz page settings. The rest of the application form will become accessible to them. 

It is highly recommended to test an eligibility quiz after building it. The Testing an Unsolicited Application Intake Form and Campaign section details how to do so. 

Add and Manage Campaigns

After building an unsolicited application form, add it to a campaign in order to make the application available to anyone with the campaign URL. The campaign URL is commonly added to the foundation website, a grant opportunity announcement email, or other communications with potential applicants.

Add a Campaign

Add a campaign in Admin Tools & Settings. When doing so, the unsolicited application intake form is selected and connected with the campaign.

  1. Click the gear icon in the quick navigation menu.
  2. Click Grantee Portal.
    Grantee Portal and Reviewer Portal option

  3. Click Grantee Portal Campaigns.
    Grantee Portal Campaigns dropdown

  4. Click Add New Campaign.
    Add New Campaign button

  5. Complete the fields, and then click Next.
    1. Campaign Name - Enter a name for the campaign. This is displayed to grantee portal users as a bold header on the login page and at the top of the landing page once logged into the campaign. 
    2. Unsolicited Application - Select the unsolicited application intake form to be completed when a grantee portal user accesses this campaign.
    3. Campaign URL Identifier - Enter a unique name for the campaign to appear at the end of the URL to access the campaign. Spaces cannot be included in this identifier. 
    4. Campaign Entity Name - Enter the desired entity name to be used when referencing this campaign (e.g. application, proposal, letter of interest). This appears on the campaign landing page in the following formats: “Start a new <campaign entity name>”, “Open <campaign entity name>”, and “View/Print <campaign entity name>”.
    5. Max Entries per User - If desired, enter the maximum number of form submissions per grantee portal user for this campaign.
      1. If this campaign will be closed and then reopened for future use, leave this field blank.
    6. Open Date/Time - Enter the date and time at which campaign and form will become available for grantee portal users with the campaign URL to access. Before this date, the campaign URL will not be active.
    7. Close Date/Time - Enter the date and time after which the campaign and form will become unavailable. After this date, the campaign URL will not be active.  
    8. Hide imported entries from organization portal? - If checked, forms imported through this campaign will not be visible in the grantee portal for the related organizations. The grantee portal user who submitted the form will be able to view it on the campaign page only.
    9. Disable automatic contact assignment for submitter - If checked, a grantee portal user who submits a form through this campaign will not be automatically added as an organization contact, and they will not be automatically assigned as a grantee portal user on the form.
    10. Followers - Add staff as followers to the campaign. Followers receive an email notification when a form is submitted through the campaign. 
      1. Users can manage their notification settings.
    11. Campaign Inactive - If checked, the campaign URL becomes inactive and can no longer be viewed or accessed.Next button

  6. Configure the campaign content as desired, and then click Next
    1. Login Page Content - Enter the content to display on the login page for the campaign URL.  
    2. Landing Page Content - Enter the content to display on the page a grantee portal user sees once they have logged in via the campaign URL.
    3. Logo - If desired, upload a logo to display on both the login and landing pages. 
      1. The accepted file types for the logo are .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .gif, .tif, .tiff, .bmp, and .svg.
      2. The recommended file size is less than 5MB. 
    4. Default Email Subject to Registering Applicant - A registering applicant is a grantee portal user who has never previously logged into your grantee portal. Once they enter their email address on the login page of the campaign, they will receive an email to activate their account and complete registration. Configure the subject line of that email here.
    5. Default Email Copy to Registering Applicant - Configure the email body content of the email described above here. 
      Next button
      Next button

  7. Configure the default request properties as desired, and then click Save. These properties are used when creating requests as part of the data import process for forms submitted through this campaign. The properties can be adjusted during the import process as needed.   Save button

Manage Campaigns

Once campaigns are added, they can be managed from Admin Tools & Settings. 

  1. Click the gear icon in the quick navigation menu.
  2. Click Grantee Portal.
    Grantee Portal and Reviewer Portal option

  3. Click Grantee Portal Campaigns.
    Grantee Portal Campaigns dropdown

Click the dropdown icon to access options.Dropdown icon

  • Click Edit Campaign Properties to edit the general campaign options.
  • Click Edit Campaign Content to edit the login and landing page content for the campaign.
  • Click Edit Default Request Properties to edit the default options for requests created through the campaign.

Click the trash can icon to delete a campaign.trash can icon 

Click the campaign URL to view the campaign. Campaign URL

Testing an Unsolicited Application Intake Form and Campaign

Before sending a campaign link to potential applicants, it is recommended to perform an internal test of the campaign and unsolicited application intake form. 

  1. Open the campaign URL in an incognito browser window. Campaign URL

  2. Create a new grantee portal user account with an email address other than the one you use to login to your existing GivingData account.
    1. For example, this could be a personal email address or a different foundation email address.
      1. For Gmail email accounts, a plus sign with text after it can be added to the end of your email address (e.g. jane.doe+test@example.org). The system registers this as a unique email address, but you will still receive emails sent to the address in your original inbox. 
        Create an account link

  3. Verify that the campaign login and landing pages display as desired. 
  4. Open the unsolicited application form and verify that it displays and functions as desired. 
    1. If using an eligibility quiz, be sure that the questions are configured correctly. Start a new Application button

Import Submitted Unsolicited Application Intake Forms

Once an unsolicited application intake form is submitted, the next step is to assign it to an organization record and request record. Data from the intake form can then be imported.

The organization and request record can be assigned while the intake form is in the In Progress status, but the intake form data cannot be imported until the form has been submitted.

  1. Click Dashboard, and then click Unsolicited Applications.
  2. Click the intake form name.Intake form name

  3. Click In Progress or Submitted.Submitted tab

  4. Click the three dots icon next to the intake form, and then click Assign to Organization.Assign to Organization option

  5. Search for and select an existing organization in the site, or click Add New Organization and complete the fields. 
    1. If adding a new organization record, the information submitted in the intake form auto populates but can be edited. organization options

  6. Click Next: Assign to Request. Next: Assign to Request button

  7. Search for and select an existing request in the site, or click Add New Request and complete the fields.request options

  8. If the intake form has been submitted, the data can now be imported. Import and Manage Submitted Grantee Portal Intake Forms provides instructions.

To change the organization or request assignment for an intake form, click the three dots icon again. 

  • If the form is already assigned to a request but the assigned organization needs to be changed, click Assign to a Different Request and then click Assign to a Different Organization in the modal that appears. Assign to a Different Request option

When a new contact submits an unsolicited application intake form and the form is added to an organization and request, the contact is automatically added as an organization contact. They are automatically given the Access Organization in Grantee Portal permission and the Manage Assigned permission for applications. Refer to Grantee Portal User Management and Troubleshooting for instructions on giving a contact additional privileges in the grantee portal.