Import Rule Overview

The Import Rule feature allows users to set import rules for each mapped field on an intake form to determine how a field is imported. This is available for GivingData Pro & Enterprise licenses. Reach out to your CSM to have this feature turned on.

Import rules can be applied to mapped fields on various types of intake forms, such as unsolicited and invited applications, reports, submissions, Active Grant Intake Forms, and Organization Intake Forms.

However, it's important to note that the new import rules cannot be applied to External Review Forms. This is because these forms do not have any mapped fields available for import.

When creating a new intake form in Grantee Portal Settings, users will be presented with an option called "Default Import Rule" in the Intake Form Properties modal. This dropdown field allows users to set a default import rule for the form.


default import rule menu

Definitions of Default Import Rules

Automatically import and update the current value - This rule will automatically import the value of a field and overwrite the data that is in GivingData. This is the most “automatic” of the rules. 
  1. It’s important to note that if this rule option is assigned to a field (or multiple fields) and the applicant leaves the field blank – it will replace the existing data with the blank value since that is what has been submitted by the applicant. 
  2. Example fields where a user might want to use this rule include Request fields.
Automatically import if there is no current value - If there is no mapped data in GivingData, and an applicant populates the field, this rule will import the applicant's value.  However, if there’s mapped data in GivingData - this rule will not overwrite the data, and a manual review will be necessary.
  1. This rule is a great option to capture information from an applicant you do not have on file yet.
  2. Codes, Custom Fields, and Documents (if integrated with OneDrive or Box) can have these import rules applied.

Do not automatically import - this is a side-by-side comparison. A user compares the value on record versus what the applicant has submitted, and then you will select the data you’d like to import. 

  1. The following fields do NOT have import rules and users will have to manually import: 
    1. MEL Assessment Fields
    2. Contacts
    3. Bank Accounts

When a user is editing or building an intake form, they will see a lightning bolt icon if the field's Import Rule is set to one of the automatic import options.

Editing Import Rules on Existing Intake Forms

By default, all existing forms have the import rule set to "manual - do not automatically import". To make changes to the import rules for multiple fields at once, follow these steps. This feature allows users to easily batch change import rules on existing intake forms.

Select the drop-down arrow next to the edit button on the left. Click the new option “Edit Import Rules”. You will see a summary page for all the mapped fields in the form. 

You will notice the “Current Import Rule column”. You are now able to select and change the import rule for multiple fields at once.  

Current Import Rule column→→rule change

Once the user clicks confirm on the bottom right-hand side of the screen, a blue badge will be displayed at the top right corner of the page, indicating that the changes have been successfully applied.

Importing an Intake Form with Import Rules

Navigate to the Grantee Portal Form Dashboard. Select the 3 dot menu to the left of the form you’d like to import and click "import data". 

import data

If needed, you can create or associate the intake form to an organization and request. This will bring you to a summary screen that displays the fields and their associated import rules. The values of the mapped fields will be automatically updated based on the import rules set for the intake form.

summary screen

Once you click the green import button in the bottom right,  you’ll now see a top box that confirms that fields that were automatically imported versus those that need to be manually imported.

auto summary


If necessary, manually review and import fields and complete the import.