Changing the Status of an Intake Form

Learn how to change the status of an Intake Form and how to submit an intake form on behalf of a grantee/applicant if they run into problems.

Once an intake form has been assigned to a record in GivingData, it will be given a status. These intake form statuses may include: New, Invited, In Progress, Submitted, Received, Completed, etc.

An intake form will automatically change status as the applicant moves through the various stages of completion. Once an intake form has been submitted by the applicant, the intake form status will need to be updated manually by the GivingData user.

The following statuses will update automatically:

New = The intake form was just assigned to a request record. A Grantee Portal user has not yet been assigned to the intake form.

Invited = The Grantee Portal user has been assigned to the intake form, and the applicant has been invited to complete the intake form.

In Progress = The assigned Grantee Portal user has opened the intake form and is working on completing it.

Submitted = The intake form has been submitted. The Grantee Portal user can no longer edit the intake form. The intake form is ready to be imported into the database.

Changing an Intake Form Status

An intake form status can be changed manually by the GivingData user. This can be achieved from the Grantee Portal Intake Form Dashboard, or from the Grantee Portal tab from within a request record. 

To change an Intake Form status from within a grant record, first navigate to the request record. Then select the Grantee Portal tab. Click on the pencil icon beside the Intake Form’s status.

The Change Status modal will appear. Select the desired status from the dropdown menu, then click Save. 

Depending on the status of the intake form, you may see different options within the dropdown menu. 

To change an Intake Form status from the Grantee Portal Intake Form Dashboard, navigate to the dashboard and select the Intake Form Type.

To locate an intake form that has the status ‘In Progress’, first click on the corresponding tab.

Find the desired intake form within the list. To change the status, click on the yellow arrow beside it. Then select ‘Change Status’ from the dropdown.

The Change Status modal will appear. Select the desired status from the dropdown menu, then click Save. 

Special Considerations

Please note that ‘Submitted’ intake forms may be moved back to ‘In Progress’. Doing so will make the intake form visible within the applicant’s grantee portal, and allows the applicant to complete and resubmit the form.

A GivingData user also has the ability to move an application from ‘In Progress’ to ‘Submitted’, even if required fields were left blank.