Grantee Portal Intake Forms Dashboard

Learn how to access the Grantee Portal Intake Forms dashboard, how to add dashboard filtering criteria, and how to save and delete default dashboard criteria.

Navigating to the Grantee Portal Intake Forms Dashboard

Users can access the Grantee Portal Intake Forms Dashboard from any page in GivingData.

From the main navigation bar, click Dashboards. Then, select 'Grantee Portal Intake Forms' to view all or select an intake form type below.

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Your site may look slightly different due to site configuration or user permissions. Speak with your site administrator or GivingData Client Success Manager if you have questions.

Select the intake form type you're looking for, or select All Intake Form Types.

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When selecting “All Intake Form Types,” the statuses from all intake forms will display in the chart and list view beneath it.

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Adding Filtering Criteria to a Grantee Portal Intake Forms Dashboard

Click Criteria to view or edit the dashboard filtering criteria.

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In the criteria modal, users can filter the dashboard by Intake Form Type or by selecting an Intake Form by name. 

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Saving and Deleting Default Dashboard Criteria

Users can select the 'Save as My Default Criteria' checkbox for quicker navigation in the future.

When default dashboard criteria is saved, the change will apply only to the individual GivingData user. 

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Click Update to save. Now the user can return to their pre-filtered dashboard quickly by simply selecting 'Grantee Portal Intake Forms Dashboard' from the main navigation bar.

This will bypass all dashboard filtering steps.

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From the dashboard criteria modal, users can delete their saved default criteria or they can reset it to the system default.

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When selecting 'Delete My Default Criteria', the user will be prompted to confirm the deletion.

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